On their assured debut album, fabulously named Vancouverites Young and Sexy play vividly pretty orchestral pop anchored by confident instrumental skills and Brit-inflected vocals. The closest comparison is Belle and Sebastian, but with song titles like “The City You Live In Is Ugly”, Young and Sexy don't take themselves nearly as seriously as the moody Scots. - Montreal Mirror
A lush five-piece featuring co-ed co-lead vocals, Young and Sexy serves up elaborate and intimate pop that might have you thinking of Guided by Voices, Fleetwood Mac, and the Carpenters... but maybe that's just us. The highly opinionated Robert Dayton of Canned Hamm says, "Young and Sexy are one of those musical groups on the cusp. They're ready to break out of their cocoon and become a big beautiful butterfly with their mellow folk pop sounds... and blushing mannerisms." Whatever! We just like the album! Recorded at — where else? — the JC/DC rock factory.