Duotang's 2001 swan song The Bright Side brought together the dynamic tightly wound talents of Rod Slaughter and Sean Allum. The two Winnipegers were by this point known to, solely by themselves, be able to create a huge, multi-layered racket more akin with bands many times their size. Recorded once again at Private Ear in Winnipeg with lifelong friend and creative soulmate Cam Loeppky at the helm, The Bright Side channels the spirits of The Jam, The Who, The Kinks, and the rest of that old-school British sound that we've come to expect from Winnipeg's most stylish twosome.
They fooled me - that's what The Bright Side is all about. They deconstruct their hipster stereotype, while still punching out mod rock every bit as driving and on point as they ever have. Which in its own way is pretty hip. Tricky bastards. - Pitchfork