While dreaming about houses that have been torn down and shows that happened in venues that don't exist anymore, Future Star explores the space between now and then with their upcoming album It's About Time!. A retrospective on seven years of songwriting, It's About Time! reminds us that a moment can go on infinitely, a memory can be shared, and something might have changed when you weren't looking.
Recorded and produced by long time friend Andromeda Monk, the album is at times minimalistic in texture with upright piano and voice, and at times lushly arranged with additions of synthetic strings, flutes and drum machine. Breathing naturally and comfortably, like a body at rest, it invites the listener to breathe naturally and comfortably, because everything is going to happen no matter what.
Maybe a song can be like a body, and their cells can replace themselves after a certain period of time. Maybe a story can be like a person that takes time to realise who they are. Maybe a city can be livable and you don't need to move to Montreal, or the suburbs.
Our cells turn over, the wick burns shorter, and maybe when the light hits just right and everything comes into focus, you will make the next best decision you've ever made. It's About Time! will be released on July 5, 2024.
RIYL: Magnetic Fields, Kimya Dawson, Arthur Russell, Frankie Cosmos, Chris-A-Riffic