The Freshest Fresh Breath of Mint

Have you gotten a Fresh Breath of Mint this summer? Well, once you do, you'll learn the secret to Carolyn Mark's Ultimate Salad, get some sound advice from our resident rocktologist/cremationist, Shane Nelken, of the Awkward Stage, giggle over Nardwuar's interviews and oogle some comics created by our friends in Immaculate Machine. And, it gets better. Our little Fresh Breath of Mint zine is not only awesome, it's free! If you can't find one at your local record store, we'll send you one. Just send a nice note here. We'll help you out.

And, if you're really really keen. We're always on the lookout for Minty allies to help spread the freshness around their one-horse towns. Yup. That's right people, we love our Minty correspondents. Interested? Ask Shena how you can help.