Only A Visitor

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Described as “Bjork's light-footed nymph child,” (Beatroute) Vancouver quintet Only A Visitor brings a precise and buoyant live energy to song-crafting with their “kaleidoscopic compositions” (Dusted Magazine.) Fusing together avant-pop, jazz, classical and DIY influences and substituting guitar with three part harmonies that “display a delightful innovation” (HuffPost,) they have released three albums to date and have recently signed to Mint Records for their fourth release Decay. Since forming in 2015, they have appeared at the Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver Jazz Festivals and the Vancouver Island Music Festival, among others, and have toured Canada and internationally. With drummer Kevin Romain, bassist Jeff Gammon, and vocalists Emma Postl and Celina Kurz, classically trained but DIY nurtured songwriter and arranger Robyn Jacob wraps gently asymmetrical sonic tendrils around pop skeletons.

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